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Applying spiritual beliefs to leadership practice
This is a course that looks at the application of spiritual practice to leadership.
To that end we discuss:
Panchatantra and leadership
Christian principles
The nature of leadership in Islam
Grounded theory
Being a Contemplative
Social Groups
Leadership workshop activities
The spirit of service
28 Business Thinkers
Activities that give leadership development
Tantric Management
The concept of accountability
A range of cartoons were specially commissioned for this course. These summarise key aspects. you are shown the cartoons and asked which lectures, which thoughts, they relate to.
Remember the cartoons; remember the principles.
One of the activities involves the writing of poetry.
We look at several poems about leadership - but you are encouraged (as with many lectures) to write your own and then share in the Q/A.
This is NOT a course where you just watch, absorb and move on. This is a course where you are encouraged to 'fill in the gaps' in accord with your own beliefs. There are also some fun activities on the way!
This course is approximately three hours long - but in reality it is a lot longer than that as you are given areas of your business life to consider, go away and then come back and share your thoughts.
No judgement - just the sharing of ideas.
Links and references are given throughout.
The material included is up to date as of mid-February 2023 - it even includes the 'No D***head policy' of the new Mental Skills coach at Chelsea football club!