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Introductory Biology: Complete course of Biology Coupon
Teaching & Academics

[70% Off] Introductory Biology: Complete course of Biology Course Coupon

Updated: by ghatfanmerie

Introduction to Biology science and high school biology

1.0 hr
15$ 49.99$
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> This course is designed to meet the requirement of the students to understand the Complete Introduction of Biology.

>This course presents many of the topics Found in O and A  level biology.

>The topics are presented through PowerPoints presentation.Each body system is presented separately and there are quizzes at the end of each section.

>In this Course , Students will learn the introduction of Biology.

>Understand the Division and Branches of Biology.

>Understand the relationship of Biology to other sciences.

>Understand the Careers in Biologie.

> Understand the History of Biology

>Scientific Method of biology.

Biology is the study of living things. It encompasses the cellular basis of living things, the energy metabolism that underlies the activities of life, and the genetic basis for inheritance in organisms. Biology also includes the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms and the diversity of life on Earth. It considers the biology of microorganisms, plants, and animals, for example, and it brings together the structural and functional relationships that underlie their day-to-day activities. Biology draws on the sciences of chemistry and physics for its foundations and applies the laws of these disciplines to living things.

Many subdisciplines and special areas of biology exist, which can be conveniently divided into practical and theoretical categories. Types of practical biology include plant breeding, wildlife management, medical science, and crop production. Theoretical biology encompasses such disciplines as physiology (the study of the function of living things), biochemistry (the study of the chemistry of organisms), taxonomy (classification), ecology (the study of populations and their interactions with each other and their environments), and microbiology (the study of microscopic organisms).

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