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Her Silence
There are different talks about Mary that one can listen to or read different books about her. For sure when one gets to know more about Mary, one will get overwhelmed about Mary 'Silence’.
This course intends to help the student deepen the relationship with Mary through ‘Her Silence’ and to discover Mary in one’s life. Through the journey of Mary's life, during this course one will discover Mary's 'Silence’ when being joyful, when being in pain, her silence in doing the will of God. On this journey, imagination will help the student to discover what Mary went through in ‘Her Silence’. Most probably, what Mary went through in ‘Her Silence’, is what any other loving mother or father goes through when being with their children, when caring for and loving their children, in the good times and in the difficult times. While discovering Mary's 'Silence’ during this course, the student will also have the opportunity to discover Jesus in a personal way or deepen that experience which already exists.
The aim of this course ‘Getting to know about Mary’s silence’ attempts to help the student to know and discover the spiritual meaning and interpretation of Mary’s 'Silence’, during the different episodes in scripture as the Mother of Jesus. This course is based on the book ‘Her Silence’ which was published by the instructor in January 2019.