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DevOps Certification Training - Exam Simulator With Corrections - DevOps & Agile Culture - Continuous Delivery
Exam Simulator of 240 questions with corrections and explanation to prepare candidate to pass their DevOps Certification.
Areas of knowledge covered:
- DevOps Culture
- DevOps Automatisation
- Agile / ITIL / Lean Management
- DevOps Measurement
- ChatOps
- DevOps Sharing / Collaboration
- DevSecOps Engineering
- Agile Service Management
- Continuous Delivery Architecture
- Site Reliability Engineering
- DevOps Test Engineering
- The Three Ways
- Chaos Monkeys
- DevOps Toolchains
- DevOps Metrics...
Testing has been found to be a powerful learning tool!
Learn better in multiple ways : Instead of just reading and watching videos, which involves visual and auditory learning, sharpen your gained knowledge with mock exams.
According to an experimental psychology study by David R Shanks and Rosalind Potts (University College London) : “The benefit of doing mistakes during learning showed that when people initially make an incorrect guess and then are given the correct answer, they are more likely to remember the correct information than if they didn't guess wrong in a first place.”
Student Testimonial :
" So I felt all the 4 test were very good. Test 2 and 3 are more difficult than others. My scores were 36, 29, 24, 33 ( yes i failed in the third one) , but I felt it was a good experience. The scenario based questions are nice and are close to the real exam questions. Please don't expect questions to repeat as it in exam ( I think only 4-5 repeated), but then it mentally prepares you well for the exam. I found the real exam comfortable post doing this. Scored 82.5% (33/40). I felt practice test 2,3 had some tough questions, but it's good in a way. The exam format is now open-book, so scenario based questions are more, so practicing this really helped. Thanks! "
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