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Author and Publish your first book
There are many other kids just like me who also wanted to write and publish their own books.
Friends and family always seemed impressed by my published books, but I knew that if I had the willpower to become an author, then anyone can. This universe is home to an infinite number of topics that always seem to evolve, and I wanted to ensure others could chase their dreams of learning and publishing as I had. That’s what ultimately inspired me to create a program for other kids to learn how to publish books. I called it Enheduanna, which was the name of the world’s first female author. On August 24, 2022, I will also be teaching a course during the Wave Learning Festival to help middle school kids learn how to write and publish their own books.
After going over this course, you should be able to
Basics of fiction and non-fictions books
Basics of a book terminology
Developing the story line for characters
Basics on how to publish your book
Basics on where to publish a book
Basics on where to create Illustrations( There are sites like canva and others where users can create illustrations for free )
Basics on how to create a manuscript